Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-2240

Cannot access Plug-in registry view: Invalid plugin registry URL: "https://codeready-codeready-workspaces-operator.apps.sandbox-m2.ll9k.p1.openshiftapps.com/plugin-registry/v3" is detected


    • False
    • False

      version from :
      2.10 @ ee08d #4 :: Eclipse Che Dashboard 7.32.2 @ 135c

      from https://github.com/apupier/fuse-rest-http-booster/pull/1
      I clicked to open on hosted CRW, the url is https://workspaces.openshift.com/#https://github.com/apupier/fuse-rest-http-booster/tree/v7.8.0-redhat-sb2-branch-DevWorkspaceAction

      I was proposed to restart workspace, i click to restart it.
      Then i wanted to add another extensuion and clicked on View -> Plugins and got a notification error:
      Invalid plugin registry URL: "https://codeready-codeready-workspaces-operator.apps.sandbox-m2.ll9k.p1.openshiftapps.com/plugin-registry/v3" is detected

      and an empty list of plugins

            vsvydenk Valerii Svydenko
            apupier@redhat.com Aurélien Pupier
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
