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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-2142

Remove 'sleep' command from machineexec (KIP can now pull scratch images)


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      = Image Puller support for all image types

      With this update, the Image Puller can pre-pull any {prod-short} image on all the Nodes of an OpenShift cluster. This includes scratch images.
      = Image Puller support for all image types With this update, the Image Puller can pre-pull any {prod-short} image on all the Nodes of an OpenShift cluster. This includes scratch images.

      Due to improvements in the Kubernetes Image Puller project in 7.34.x, we can now pull scratch images w/o having to inject a specially-built sleep binary into them. Instead, the puller itself can inject the sleep binary so the pulled image can remain active.

      Upstream issue: https://github.com/eclipse/che/issues/16689 

      PR: https://github.com/che-incubator/kubernetes-image-puller/commit/296256bd9c881262e627f80e4f90d4e5e0d720d0


      So starting in 2.11, we can remove the sleep binary from che-machine-exec and from crw/machineexec-rhel8 images. 

              nickboldt Nick Boldt
              rhn-support-rick Rick Wagner
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