Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-1836

vscode xml plugin is failing in proxy based clusters


      vscode xml plugin is failing at stage of import project as it is not having code or files in project -

      4 passing (7m) 
      1 failing 
      1) The "VscodeXmlPlugin" userstory 
      Check workspace readiness to work 
      Wait until project is imported:

        1. image-2021-05-21-12-26-12-230.png
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          Amitkumar Ghatwal
        2. image-2021-05-21-12-27-57-809.png
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          Amitkumar Ghatwal
        3. image-2021-05-21-12-28-25-485.png
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          Amitkumar Ghatwal
        4. image-2021-05-21-12-32-36-606.png
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          Amitkumar Ghatwal
        5. image-2021-05-25-12-16-48-026.png
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          Amitkumar Ghatwal
        6. image-2021-05-25-12-18-19-295.png
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          Amitkumar Ghatwal
        7. image-2021-05-25-12-20-05-906.png
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          Amitkumar Ghatwal
        8. image-2021-05-25-12-21-26-407.png
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          Amitkumar Ghatwal
        9. image-2021-05-25-12-22-06-007.png
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          Amitkumar Ghatwal
        10. image-2021-05-25-18-26-11-247.png
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          Amitkumar Ghatwal
        11. image-2021-05-25-21-34-18-705.png
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          Amitkumar Ghatwal
        12. image-2021-05-28-18-23-15-462.png
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          Amitkumar Ghatwal
        13. image-2021-05-28-19-06-16-974.png
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          Amitkumar Ghatwal
        14. image-2021-06-15-12-15-58-274.png
          135 kB
          Amitkumar Ghatwal

              vsvydenk Valerii Svydenko
              djoahi dipiki joahi (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue
