Resolution: Done
QE-2021-05-26 (Sprint: 202)
Instead of having "hardcoded" whole checluster CR and use this in our installation jobs, we should somewhat dynamically obtain the latest version of default checluster CR and then possibly patch it according to the installation scenario.
There are multiple ways of obtaining default checluster CR, but I would opt in for obtaining it directly from catalogsource image on the cluster like so (this snippet is from my WIP for installing in disconnected env, so it might need som tweaking for this use-case, like parameterize the catalogsource name for example):
oc port-forward -n openshift-marketplace $(oc get pods -n openshift-marketplace -l olm.catalogSource=crw-disconnected-catalog -o name) 50051 & PORT_FORWARD_PID=$! # wait for container to run and be accessible touch tmp.txt while ! grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"pkgName":"codeready-workspaces", "channelName":"latest"}' localhost:50051 api.Registry/GetBundleForChannel > tmp.txt ; do sleep 0.1 done # Get default checluster CR grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"pkgName":"codeready-workspaces", "channelName":"latest"}' localhost:50051 api.Registry/GetBundleForChannel |jq -cr ".object" |jq -r ".[1]" |jq -r '.metadata.annotations["alm-examples"]'|jq ".[]" > checluster.json kill $PORT_FORWARD_PID
Once we obtain checluster.json like this we are sure it's the "default" checluster CR from the catalogsource which is being used for installing CRW, then we can patch the CR with any options we need for any specific installation scenario like this (example with setting up proxy fields):
oc patch --local -f checluster.json --type merge --patch "{\\"spec\\":{\\"server\\":{\\"proxyURL\\":\\"\${PROXY_URL}\\", \\"proxyPort\\":\\"\${PROXY_PORT}\\", \\"nonProxyHosts\\":\\"\${NON_PROXY_HOSTS}\\"}}}" -o yaml > checluster-patched.yaml
- is related to
CRW-1797 Pre-release testing of CRW 2.9.0.GA
- Closed