Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-1758

.theia folder doesn't have configuration files on power


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      = Missing debug configurations in devfiles on IBM Power Systems

      Missing debug configurations for CakePHP, PHPDI, Node.js, Quarkus, and Spring Boot devfiles on {ocp} 4.7 and 4.6.


      * Wait 5-10 minutes after a workspace starts for the debug configurations to appear in the `.theia` folder.
      = Missing debug configurations in devfiles on IBM Power Systems Missing debug configurations for CakePHP, PHPDI, Node.js, Quarkus, and Spring Boot devfiles on {ocp} 4.7 and 4.6. .Workaround * Wait 5-10 minutes after a workspace starts for the debug configurations to appear in the `.theia` folder.

      Create Qurkus or Spring Boot workspaces manually

      Expand .theia folder, it will not have files such as launch.json etc...

      Testing on CRW 2.8.0.RC-04-21.

      Quarkus failing at OCP 4.7
      Spring boot failing at OCP 4.6

        1. image-2021-04-23-14-20-01-243.png
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          dipiki joahi
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        7. image-2021-04-26-17-52-50-069.png
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        8. image-2021-04-26-17-53-24-258.png
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        9. image-2021-04-28-16-18-22-834.png
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          dipiki joahi
        10. image-2021-05-26-10-34-11-453.png
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          Amitkumar Ghatwal
        11. launch_json_watchers.gif
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          Roman Nikitenko
        12. launch_json_watchers-1.gif
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          Roman Nikitenko
        13. screenshot-1.png
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          Nick Boldt

              rnikiten Roman Nikitenko
              djoahi dipiki joahi (Inactive)
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