There are nightly CRW images available on
It's needed to create nightly CRW testing pipelines on CRW Jenkins CI by reusing complex E2E testing pipelines
Sub tasks:
1. Automate installation of nightly CRW on QE OCP 4.x from OperatorHub: (startingSCV: 2.9.0).
2. Automate installation of nightly CRW on QE OCP 3.11 by using crwctl (crwctl_2.x job).
3. Link main branch codeready-workspaces/e2e-codeready repo to upstream Eclipse Che e2e typescript test from master branch.
4. Move pre-release testing to specific 2.[n].x branch of codeready-workspaces/e2e-codeready repo
5. Select e2e tests to be run: start from maven, node devfiles e2e tests. There was pre-release test suite for Che Hosted to be consider.
- is incorporated by
CRW-1431 Integrate CRW QE workflow into CPaaS
- Closed
- mentioned on