• Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2.8.0.GA
    • 2.8.0.GA
    • testing
    • False
    • False
    • Undefined

      We need to add support of IBM Power into CRW testing pipelines.

      An idea is to add IBM Power to ocpInfra parameter with OCP 4.6/4.7 version [https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/codeready-workspaces/crw-jenkins//blob/master/src/com/redhat/codeready/cci/openshift/OpenshiftDto.groovy#L37-83
       [ https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/codeready-workspaces/crw-jenkins/-/blob/master/jobs/CodereadyWorkspaces/e2e/basic/install-crw-using-crwctl.groovy#L30 ]

      choiceParam("ocpInfra", ['PSI OpenStack', 'AWS', 'RHPDS'])

      choiceParam("ocpInfra", ['PSI OpenStack', 'AWS', 'RHPDS', 'IBM Power'])

      OCP instances are needed to have:
      1) pre-installed admin/user with httpswd identity provider;
      2) configured mirror from registry.redhat.io to brew.registry.redhat.io (require admin (https://main-jenkins-csb-crwqe.apps.ocp4.prod.psi.redhat.com/job/Flexy/job/configure-brew-registry-on-ocp-4x/).|

      OCP 4.7 on IBM Power:

      OCP 4.6 on IBM Power:

      Fragment to add into https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/codeready-workspaces/crw-jenkins/-/blob/master/src/com/redhat/codeready/cci/openshift/OpenshiftDto.groovy#L38

              if (ocpInfra == "IBM Power") {
                  if (version == "4.6") {
                        String host = "ghatwala-46-"
                        return OpenshiftDto.newInstance([
                            url: "https://api." + host + ":6443",
                            host: host,
                            clusterAdminName: "admin",
                            clusterAdminPassword: "crw4ever!",
                  } elseif (version == "4.7") {
                        String host = "ghatwala-47-"
                        return OpenshiftDto.newInstance([
                          url: "https://api." + host + ":6443",
                          host: host,
                          clusterAdminName: "admin",
                          clusterAdminPassword: "crw4ever!",

              aghatwal@redhat.com Amitkumar Ghatwal
              dnochevn Dmytro Nochevnov
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
