Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-1475

Theia Pod going into CrashLoopBackOff state at the time of creating workspace on power


    • False
    • False
    • Undefined
    • Workaround Exists
    • Hide

      Option 1: refresh browser (manual testing)

      Option 2: add more memory to devfile so Theia plugin has more space to run (automated testing)

      Option 1: refresh browser (manual testing) Option 2: add more memory to devfile so Theia plugin has more space to run (automated testing)
    • Hide
      1. create workspace (manually or automation)
      2. go to <user>-codeready namespace, check pods. that is going in to CrashLoopBackOff state
      3. state change history is: Running
      create workspace (manually or automation) go to <user>-codeready namespace, check pods. that is going in to CrashLoopBackOff state state change history is: Running OOMKilled CrashLoopBackOff Running

      Using IBM cloud COLO for Power that need to do proxy configuration.

      CLI logs

      # oc project
      Using project "dipika-codeready" on server "https://api.ghatwala-addon06-sm-fef0."
      # oc get pods
      NAME                                                 READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGEworkspacep6ggjjrsxpkgydbo.maven-cdb749555-897z5   6/6     CrashLoopBackOff   6          9m39s

      logs from pod, from platform (che-jwtproxy) component

      time="2021-01-11T14:29:26Z" level=info msg="Starting reverse proxy (Listening on ':4400')"
      time="2021-01-11T14:29:26Z" level=info msg="Starting reverse proxy (Listening on ':4401')"
      time="2021-01-11T14:29:26Z" level=info msg="Starting reverse proxy (Listening on ':4402')"
      2021/01/11 14:30:29 [011] 
      WARN: Websocket error: <nil>2021/01/11 14:30:29 
      http: response.WriteHeader on hijacked connection from github.com/eclipse/che-jwtproxy/vendor/github.com/coreos/goproxy.(*ProxyHttpServer).ServeHTTP (proxy.go:129)2021/01/11 14:30:29 
      http: response.Write on hijacked connection from fmt.Fprintln (print.go:265)2021/01/11 14:30:33 [011] 
      WARN: Websocket error: readfrom tcp> use of closed network connection

            djoahi dipiki joahi (Inactive)
            djoahi dipiki joahi (Inactive)
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            7 Start watching this issue
