Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-1422

Async-Storage plugin productization (prototype in CRW)


    • 5
    • False
    • False
    • Undefined

      The async-storage plugin is not properly downstream and is not available in the product:

      • create a new workspace and enable the async-storage
      • ERROR: workspace failed to start

      Productization tasks listed in this document:

      Once images exist, there will likely be steps required to:

      • enable async images in the operator/metadata/bundle images (where it's currently disabled as part of the sync*.sh script that convert Che to CRW).
      • document new images in install guide / admin guide / release notes

      Downstream images should be called (despite erroneous specs from before where storage was omitted):

      • async-storage-server-rhel8 and
      • async-storage-sidecar-rhel8

          There are no Sub-Tasks for this issue.

              mkuznets Mykhailo Kuznietsov
              ibuziuk@redhat.com Ilya Buziuk
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
