Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-1350

Remove Fuse devfile for Z & P (was Failed to deploy to OpenShift from Red Hat Fuse devfile on Z & P)


      We are not able to deploy to openshift from the Fuse devfile/workspace on OCP 4.5/z despite logging in to the target cluster.

      There is some architecture mismatching showing it is using amd64 not s390x.

      Here is the error on the failing pod:

      Caching blobs under "/var/cache/blobs".
      time="2020-11-04T00:35:05Z" level=info msg="Image operating system mismatch: image uses OS \"linux\"+architecture \"amd64\", expecting one of \"linux+s390x\""
      Getting image source signatures
      Writing manifest to image destination
      Storing signatures
      Generating dockerfile with builder image fabric8/s2i-java:2.3
      STEP 1: FROM fabric8/s2i-java:2.3
      STEP 2: LABEL "io.openshift.build.image"="fabric8/s2i-java:2.3"       "io.openshift.build.source-location"="/tmp/build/inputs"       "io.openshift.s2i.destination"="/tmp"
      STEP 3: ENV JAVA_APP_DIR="/deployments"     OPENSHIFT_BUILD_NAME="fuse-rest-http-booster-s2i-1"     OPENSHIFT_BUILD_NAMESPACE="crw-eng"
      STEP 4: USER root
      STEP 5: COPY upload/src /tmp/src
      STEP 6: RUN chown -R 1000:0 /tmp/src
      process exited with error: fork/exec /bin/sh: exec format errorsubprocess exited with status 1
      error: build error: error building at STEP "RUN chown -R 1000:0 /tmp/src": exit status 1

      Log can be seen in https://console-openshift-console.apps.qe1-s390x.psi.redhat.com/k8s/ns/crw-eng/pods/fuse-rest-http-booster-s2i-1-build/logs

      Problem appears to be that fabric8/s2i-java:2.3 image is single-arch, amd64. There's a multiarch j9 version at https://github.com/ctron/s2i-java-openj9, but it's unclear at this point how we can make the `fabric8:deploy` command use the alternative image.

      Workspace available here:


            ruoxuan95 Doris Xu (Inactive)
            ruoxuan95 Doris Xu (Inactive)
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