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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-1222

cannot use skopeo 1.1.1 to copy images from osbs to quay


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      Run this locally to copy from osbs to quay, including updating the 2.4 and latest tags:

      getLatestImageTags.sh --crw24 --osbs --pushtoquay='2.4 latest'
      Run this locally to copy from osbs to quay, including updating the 2.4 and latest tags: getLatestImageTags.sh --crw24 --osbs --pushtoquay= '2.4 latest'

      For the last few days, since we lost skopeo 1.1.1 from centos8 repo, we have been unable to publish images from osbs to quay.

      Now that we have kcrane@redhat.com's build of 1.1.1-dev, we can at least use skopeo again to inspect images, but we have this new problem:

      19:40:15 skopeo copy --all docker://registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/codeready-workspaces-pluginregistry-rhel8:2.4-39 docker://quay.io/crw/pluginregistry-rhel8:2.4-39
      19:40:15 time="2020-09-16T19:40:13-04:00" level=fatal msg="Error loading trust policy: open /etc/containers/policy.json: no such file or directory"


      Unclear if this is a new configuration issue with the CRW QE Jenkins x64 nodes, or if a missed configuration parameter wasn't passed to the skopeo build or if there's some other reason.

      But the point is we can't copy images to quay anymore

              nickboldt Nick Boldt
              kcrane@redhat.com Kirk Crane
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
