Resolution: Obsolete
Migrate CRW build system to CPaaS
The productization of the CRW Operator should meet the requirements of the "100% Automation of Operator based Product Delivery" OKR
CPaaS docs: https://docs.engineering.redhat.com/pages/viewpage.action?spaceKey=CPROD&title=Continuous-Productization-as-a-Service
CPaaS JIRA: https://projects.engineering.redhat.com/projects/CPAAS/issues
Blocked by:
- automated midstream workflows should not break when upgrading to new CPaaS releases
- operator bundle is not forcibly rebuilt if dependent components change (ability to respin metadata when operands change)
- Support the code freeze phase of a product in CPaaS (ability to toggle jobs off during code freeze)
- Heavy ship lists cause disk quota exceeded on containers build (likely will block Theia)
- Midstream repository does not support bundles (building CSVs)
- Jobs in CPaaS are reporting failure when unneeded brew builds do not return with info (errata integration)
- Ability to configure cron for polling upstream sources (ability to stay current with upstream and midstream)
- Multiarch: CPAAS Executing S390x Build Even though spec explicitly says only x86_64 (may cause problems when building jdk vs. j9 images)
Nice to have:
- release-pipeline does not attach all possible builds to errata if any build fails (errata automation so we can more easily update, review CVE status, and stage containers)
- Midstream jobs do not keep previous builds for long enough
- Check NVR in addition to SHA when determining if a CI build is needed
- Ensure HB Pyxis container schema accepts common containerRepository fields that Pyxis offers (improve UX in Comet so we can toggle CVE/freshmaker support on/off with CPaaS instead of manual Comet UI clickery)
To make it easier to see the status of the above issues, I've issue-linked them from here:
- is blocked by
CRW-1442 Migrate CRW build jobs to PSI Jenkins; switch to use RHEL8 nodes
- Closed
CRW-1026 Use OSBS digest pinning to allow CVE fixes via Freshmaker; use env var tokens in devfile/plugin registries (no more images + digests)
- Closed
CRW-1431 Integrate CRW QE workflow into CPaaS
- Closed
CRW-766 Prepare CRW build system for CPaaS integration
- Closed
CRW-999 Improve CRW CI pipeline (build-time tests, QE gates, automation)
- Closed
CRW-334 CRW Build Process Improvements
- Open
CRW-1275 Insert midstream copies of pkgs.devel repos where content is generated from upstream
- Closed
- is incorporated by
CRW-793 Create 100% automated workflow that will allow Operator based Containers using CPaaS
- Open
- is related to
CRW-1150 Replace manual operations during pre-release testing phase with automation
- Open
CRW-1137 Prepare infra for migration to CRW Jenkins-csb
- Closed
WTO-62 Enhance WTO's integration with CPAAS
- Closed
- links to