Uploaded image for project: 'CPE Infrastructure'
  1. CPE Infrastructure
  2. CPE-2674

Google Cloud Engine credentials for fedora-image-uploader


    • 1
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Testable


      1. Describe what you would like us to do:

      The image uploader [has support for Google Cloud](https://pagure.io/cloud-image-uploader/pull-request/35) now, but we need to add credentials to start uploading images, and we need a few objects created in our Google Cloud project.

      Since I don't know if anyone in Infra has access to GCP, the only thing I know I need is for the credentials, when they're created, to be added to Ansible so I can put them in the fedora-image-upload container.

        1. Credentials

      I know Fedora CoreOS already uploads their images to Google Cloud so they might be able to provide details on the required permissions (cc @dustymabe) and how to inject the credentials. There's a `fedora-cloud-devel` project we can wire up to the staging instance for testing, but while I do have access to create the necessary storage bucket, I can't configure credentials. I believe only Dusty has access to do that.

      For the production environment, I assume there's a `fedora-cloud` project and someone (Dusty?) has access. Sorry to be so hand-wavy, I don't have any visibility into who can do what here.

        1. Objects

      In production, we need a storage bucket created so we can upload the image tarballs. I have permission to create this in the `fedora-cloud-devel` project, so I did and named the development one `fedora-cloud-image-upload-devel`. If whoever has access to production can make `fedora-cloud-image-upload` that'd be great. Also please configure the bucket with the following lifecycle rules to keep the bucket tidy:

      • Delete object 7+ days since object was created
      • Delete multi-part upload 7+ days since upload initiated
      1. When do you need this to be done by? (YYYY/MM/DD)

        No hard deadline.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              rh-ee-mkonecny Michal Konecny
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