User Story
As a Cost Management customer, I want to include Google Cloud Platform infrastructure cost and usage information in my Cost Management application views.
Prioritization / Business Case
- Including Google Cloud Platform will increase the utility of Cost Management to customers.
Out Of Scope
- OpenShift on Google Cloud Platform views will be completed on a subsequent epic. This epic is to include the raw cost and usage GCP infrastructure into Cost Management.
- Data Engineering
- Database
Related Stories
- GCP Design Session
- tbd...
External Dependencies
- Platform Sources
Documentation Requirements
- Platform Sources onboarding and account setup documentation is required. The docs will be similar to that of AWS and Azure, but will contain GCP specific authentication information and backend account setup steps.
Backend Requirements
- Are there any prerequisites required before working this epic? No
QE Requirements
- Does QE need specific data or tooling to successfully test this epic? GCP account
Release Criteria
- Can this epic be released as individual issues/tasks are completed?
- Can the backend be released without the frontend?
- Has QE approved this epic?
- is related to
COST-789 GCP Infrastructure Fit and Finish
- Closed