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  1. Cost Management
  2. COST-5438

OCP on AWS: csi_volume_handle cost correlation


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • 2024-Aug-30
    • None
    • None
    • None

      The aws line item daily table has more cost for the ebs resources than what is making it into the aws_openshift_daily table:

      select sum(lineitem_unblendedcost), lineitem_resourceid from aws_line_items where lineitem_resourceid like 'vol-%' and month = '08' and year = '2024' group by lineitem_resourceid order by lineitem_resourceid;

             _col0        | lineitem_resourceid
       0.2584677378000002 | vol-123-claimless
       0.1723118252000001 | vol-12345671
       0.1723118252000001 | vol-12345672
       0.1723118252000001 | vol-12345673
       0.1723118252000001 | vol-12345674
      (5 rows)

      However, when I switch to the ocp on aws daily summary table:
      trino:org1234567> select
                     ->   sum(lineitem_unblendedcost),
                     ->   lineitem_resourceid
                     > from aws_openshift_daily where lineitem_resourceid like 'vol%'
                     -> and month = '08'
                     -> and year = '2024'
                     -> group by lineitem_resourceid
                     -> order by lineitem_resourceid;

              _col0         | lineitem_resourceid
        0.03588709620000001 | vol-123-claimless
               0.0239247308 | vol-12345671
       0.023924730799999995 | vol-12345672
               0.0239247308 | vol-12345673
               0.0239247308 | vol-12345674

            myersco Cody Myers
            myersco Cody Myers
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