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  1. Cost Management
  2. COST-5059

Reduce source status check frequency


    • 1
    • False
    • None
    • False

      Source status checks run ~ 15 minutes every hour in stage and ~ 40 minutes every hour in prod. It seems to be pointless to run source status checks that often - frequency of 1x a day should be sufficient. (Note that if the user misconfigures the source - they are notified immediately. If they fix the configuration - again, the source status is immediately updated. Source status checks are only for when something unexpected happens, like expiration of creds.) Running source status checks 1x a day would save some resources and prevent random test failures / time-outs due to occupied priority worker. (for example, recently we saw time-outs after cost model update due to delayed summary by 14 minutes)

            rhn-support-lcouzens Luke Couzens
            rhn-support-esebesto Eva Šebestová
            Eva Šebestová Eva Šebestová
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
