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  1. Cost Management
  2. COST-4600

Platform projects: add indication of cost being distributed


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • 2024Q4
    • None
    • UXD
    • 5
    • False
    • None
    • False

      In  COST-3394 we enabled customers to add their own projects to the Platform cost.

      When you add project foo to the Platform costs, its cost is distributed (great!) but now project foo shows cost = 0 and there's no indication of why. This could be confusing for users, as they will not know why the cost of foo is zero. Is it because that project's cost is being distributed? is it because there's no cost model or cloud integration?

      While the "do not distribute platform costs" combobox allows them to see all the costs, when "distribute platform costs" is selected (default), there's no way to tell a project which is part of the platform costs vs a project that is not receiving any cost because of a missing cost model or cloud integration.

      We should add some kind of indicator, label or something that makes immediately visible to users that the project cost is zero because it's being distributed to others. Alternatively (and this could also be useful for other projects), we could show those costs between parenthesis, brackets or alike and not sum those costs at the top, which may simplify the UI by getting rid of the "distribute platform costs" combobox.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              pgarciaq@redhat.com Pau Garcia Quiles
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