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  1. Cost Management
  2. COST-3980

[UI] Display optimization notifications


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • 2023Q3
    • None
    • UI

      Want to display the optimization notifications provided by the ROS APIs.

      Each interval has its own notifications. For example, medium_term (7 days) and long_term (15 days) intervals may both have a "There is not enough data available to generate a recommendation" notification, while the short_term interval does not because there is data available for the last 24 hrs. Therefore, alerts should be shown dynamically, based on the interval selection.

      The drawer supports the following scenarios when there are no recommendations for a given interval.

      1. No recommendations and no notification
        • The associated interval option is disabled for the "View optimization based on" menu
      2. No recommendations, but a notification is available
        • An alert is shown with a bullet list of notifications
        • The requests and limit tables are hidden
      3. One or more recommendations are not available, and one or more notifications are available
        • An alert is shown with a bullet list of notifications
        • A warning icon is displayed in place of missing values

      Example: No recommendation for the "last 15 days"

      Note: The alert title is still being debated, so that may be updated later?


      Notifications https://github.com/kruize/autotune/blob/2a3263a487d6792d9074fa68630bbc03e983d9aa/design/APISamples.md

      Mockup 1 https://www.sketch.com/s/c1987a7a-9bf0-432a-a31f-ff05976ffec7/a/pYKDQoZ 

      Mockup 2 https://www.sketch.com/s/c1987a7a-9bf0-432a-a31f-ff05976ffec7/a/VEoGkYg 

      Mock 1

      Mock 2

        1. mock 1.png
          mock 1.png
          161 kB
        2. mock 2.png
          mock 2.png
          250 kB
        3. no recommendation.png
          no recommendation.png
          49 kB

            dlabrecq@redhat.com Daniel Labrecque
            dlabrecq@redhat.com Daniel Labrecque
            Yash Ajgaonkar Yash Ajgaonkar
            0 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
