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  1. Cost Management
  2. COST-3874

Provide pod-level data


    • Icon: Feature Feature
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • 100% To Do, 0% In Progress, 0% Done

      As of today, Cost Management reports data at the cluster, node, project (namespace) and tag level.

      Several users have requested utilization and cost data at the pod level, even at the container level if possible.

      There are multiple reasons for this:

      a. Organizations are providing one namespace per department, application or alike and there are multiple teams (eg front-end, backend, login service, etc) working in the same namespace. Customers want to know how much each component costs. Labeling is a possibility but the answer is always "so you want me to create labels with the names of the pods, which you already have. Huh?"

      b. "Semi-lift and shift". Monoliths being moved to OpenShift and then decomposed into multiple components step by step. While the decomposition is on-going (years), many users put all the components under the same namespace. It's essentially the same as (a) but for a different reason.


      We must provide a "group by pod", API, etc in the OpenShift and Cost Explorer pages.

      This will be an opt-in feature: customers will need to tag the namespaces they want to get the per-pod cost. Label to be defined.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              pgarciaq@redhat.com Pau Garcia Quiles
              5 Vote for this issue
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