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  1. Cost Management
  2. COST-3617

GCP: overwriting summary date range per invoice month during download


      We set the start & end dates used for resummary for GCP in theĀ create_daily_archives function here:

      However whenever the GCP downloader downloads data with more than one invoice month we overwrite that date range.

      Therefore the date range we pass back only contains dates for the last invoice month in the for loop.

      A breakdown of this problem is that we overwrite the date_range dictionary whenever we receive a csv file that contains more than one invoice month due to this for loop:

      for invoice_month in data_frame["invoice.month"].unique():

            rh-ee-lbacciot Lucas Bacciotti
            myersco Cody Myers
            Daniel Chorvatovic Daniel Chorvatovic
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            10 Start watching this issue
