
    • Market Problem
    • 83% To Do, 0% In Progress, 17% Done
    • False
    • None

      In the context of the app eventing rock, let's start sending some basic notifications:


      Prio Notification
      1 Splunk/ServiceNow/e-mail: cluster has no cost model*
      1 Splunk/ServiceNow/e-mail: Cost Management operator not sending data (“data is stale”)*
      2 Splunk: Cost model added/removed/assigned
      3 Splunk: data from CostM operator received
      3 Splunk: data from CostM operator processed


      • A spike on data aggregation will be needed to determine the capabilities of the eventing service. E. g. sending this over Splunk requires no aggregation (send as many times as needed, per cluster); sending over e-mail probably a 1-day aggregation of all the clusters

      Does the notification service support aggregation or should we aggregate on our end?

      Mock: https://marvelapp.com/prototype/23a3c1a6/screen/70998385

      Docs: https://core-platform-apps.pages.redhat.com/notifications-docs/dev/index.html



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              pgarciaq@redhat.com Pau Garcia Quiles
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