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  1. Cost Management
  2. COST-1932

Default cost model


    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2024-June-07
    • None
    • API, Data Pipeline
    • None
    • Allow the customer to select a default cost model
    • 5
    • False
    • False
    • To Do
    • COST-1020 - Cost distribution of node and cluster costs into projects
    • COST-1020Cost distribution of node and cluster costs into projects

      When a customer adds a new source (specifically a cluster) there is no default cost model associated to it.

      In the past, that was a small nuisance, as the numbers where 0, or were distributed from the cloud, so in many cases it was not necessary to do anything, the customer would likely understand that they needed to create a cost model and do so.

      With the new features added to the cost model, we can't assume that anymore, as the price model, for instance, selects the distribution to be CPU or Memory, and will start to add new configuration to the cost distribution.

      Having a cost model by default associated to any cluster that is not specifically using one will improve the UX:

      • New clusters will have the proper cost model and markup. For customers like GPTE, it will be easier to follow on-prem transient clusters. For those clusters running on the cloud, it will make sure that the markup is consistent without additional steps
      • It will be easier for customers to define whether they want their cluster costs to be distributed by CPU and memory for all clusters.
      • We will reduce the number of errors perceived when adding new clusters after a few days (or when a new person adds additional sources for the first time)

      Ideally, this would work:

      • There will be a default cost model per source type (AWS, OpenShift, GCP, Azure, IBM)
      • When the cost model is not explicitly defined, the cost model will be shown as: "(default) and the cost model name"
      • It won't be possible to delete the default cost model, it will be possible to change the cost model default per source (keeping always one).
      • There will be a default preexisting cost model, empty or with 0 value, with CPU based cost distribution, for each source type. Other defaults will also be present.
      • Docs and Pendo will state that the default cost model should be modified


            Unassigned Unassigned
            pgarciaq@redhat.com Pau Garcia Quiles
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