Resolution: Done
This is a related task to https://issues.redhat.com/browse/COST-1065
User story
Red Hat is announcing new Red Hat Insights bundles at Red Hat Summit Virtual Experience - April 27-28, 2021. These bundles are Insights for Ansible, Insights for Application Services and Insights for OpenShift. For Insights for OpenShift we are introducing a new landing page that pulls data from multiple apps. As a user I want to see cost data for clusters in my org as part of the Insights for OpenShift dashboard (See CCX-128)
Create a widget and needed API calls to integrate Cost with OpenShift Cluster Manager overview page. Integration is coordinated by CCX team, gkaratae .
Communication happens on https://coreos.slack.com/archives/G01NKAAQFDH #summit-ocm-ui slack channel.
It is preferred to reuse existing code from Cost app for the widget to reduce net new work and maintenance needs.