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  1. CoreOS OCP
  2. COS-2827

Migrate Ignition from sgdisk to sfdisk


    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • Migrate Ignition from sgdisk to sfdisk
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • Not Selected
    • To Do
    • 33% To Do, 50% In Progress, 17% Done
    • 0
    • 0

      The maintainer of gdisk has reached out to us, asking if we would consider either taking over the maintenance of sgdiskor transitioning to sfdisk.

      After discussing this during the CoreOS Teams Cabal, we have decided on the following plan:

      Given the RHEL10 cutoff in February 2025, we believe there is enough time to transition fully to sfdisk. However, we anticipate potential challenges during this process. To address this, we need a cutoff date to make sure we dont miss the deadline. If we encounter too many issues, we can pivot to incorporating sgdisk into libexec as a temporary solution.

      Action Items:

      1. Set a Cutoff Date: Determine a clear deadline for evaluating the transition to sfdisk.
      2. Parallel Integration: Develop a plan to integrate sfdisk alongside sgdisk. This will allow us to replace parts incrementally, test thoroughly, and ensure smooth adoption before the cutoff date.

            rh-ee-spresti Steven Presti
            rh-ee-spresti Steven Presti
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