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  1. CoreOS OCP
  2. COS-2648

[coreos/butane] Stabilize openshift v4.15.0 spec


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      [2138214209] Upstream Reporter: Timothée Ravier
      Upstream issue status: Closed
      Upstream description:

      1. Bumping spec versions

      This checklist describes bumping the Ignition spec version, `base` version, and distro versions. If your scenario is different, modify to taste.

        1. Bump distro version
      • [x] Rename `config/distro/vD_exp` to `config/distro/vD` and update `package` statements. Update imports.
      • [x] Drop `-experimental` from `init()` in `config/config.go`.
      • [x] Drop `-experimental` from examples in `docs/`.
      • [x] Copy `config/distro/vD` to `config/distro/vD+1_exp`.
      • [x] Update `package` statements in `config/distro/vD+1_exp`. Bump its base dependency to `base/vB+1_exp`.
      • [x] Import `config/vD+1_exp` in `config/config.go` and add `distro` `C+1-experimental` to `init()`.
        1. Update docs
      • [x] Update `internal/doc/main.go` to add the new stable spec and reference the new experimental spec in `generate()`.
      • [x] Run `generate` to regenerate spec docs.
      • [x] Update `docs/specs.md`.
      • [x] Update `docs/upgrading-*.md` for the new spec version. Copy the relevant section from Ignition's `doc/migrating-configs.md`, convert the configs to Butane configs, convert field names to snake case, and update wording as needed. Add subsections for any new Butane-specific features.
      • [x] Note the stabilization in `docs/release-notes.md`, following the format of previous stabilizations. Drop the `-exp` version suffix from any notes for the upcoming release.

            travier@redhat.com Timothée Ravier
            upstream-sync Upstream Sync
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