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  1. CoreOS OCP
  2. COS-2172

[coreos/butane] Add support for `container-rebase`


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      [1606839959] Upstream Reporter: Joe Doss
      Upstream issue status: Closed
      Upstream description:

      <walters> EDIT: Transferring this issue from rpm-ostree

      Basically let's add something like:

      variant: fcos
      version: x
      target: quay.io/example/customos:latest

      One reason we should do this is that we need systemd unit ordering which correctly orders against `ignition-firstboot-complete.target` among others (see below).

      Original issue follows:

      *Host system details*

      [root@appliance ~]# rpm-ostree status
      State: idle
      AutomaticUpdates: stage; rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer: inactive
      ? ostree-unverified-registry:registry.local:5000/appliance:devel
      Digest: sha256:ce098ae1aeaff8663df6a8ae131f4ae7af70c810ae518f542fddc20ad20cbcad
      Version: 37.20221211.3.0 (2022-12-29T18:37:01Z)

      Version: 37.20221211.3.0 (2022-12-26T13:53:28Z)
      Commit: 93930f1bbe732751297fb7e5c4b7f3b79c563a803f3cf8c48115f84c541f86a7
      GPGSignature: Valid signature by ACB5EE4E831C74BB7C168D27F55AD3FB5323552A

      *Expected vs actual behavior*

      When using the latest `quay.io/fedora/fedora-coreos:stable` image based off of `37.20221211.3.0` the symlinks for systemd units that are enabled within the layer are no longer present so layered systemd units do not load on reboot.

      Using an older verison of FCOS `36.20221001.3.0` works as expected.

      Here is the steps in my container layer build process that show the symlinks being created

      STEP 20/25: WORKDIR /usr/src/appliance
      --> 07fdcd5afef
      STEP 21/25: RUN tar xf app.tar && ./install.sh
      Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/default.target.wants/pod-appliance.service ? /etc/systemd/system/pod-appliance.service.
      --> dba68fb0482
      STEP 22/25: WORKDIR /
      --> a1fdc9a8b0a
      STEP 23/25: COPY units/appliance-config.service /etc/systemd/system/appliance-config.service
      --> 428764c8876
      STEP 24/25: RUN systemctl enable appliance-config.service && touch /etc/appliance/env/appliance-config.env && sed -i 's/#AutomaticUpdatePolicy.*/AutomaticUpdatePolicy=stage/' /etc/rpm-ostreed.conf
      Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/default.target.wants/appliance-config.service ? /etc/systemd/system/appliance-config.service.
      --> 3907077e435
      STEP 25/25: RUN ostree container commit

      But when I reboot into this container layer

      Fedora CoreOS 37.20221211.3.0
      Tracker: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker
      Discuss: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/tag/coreos

      [core@appliance ~]$ sudo su -
      [root@appliance ~]# ls -lah /etc/systemd/system/default.target.wants/appliance-config.service
      ls: cannot access '/etc/systemd/system/default.target.wants/appliance-config.service': No such file or directory

      The symlink is not present. The unit file is however present on the file system from the layer:

      [root@appliance ~]# ls -lah /etc/systemd/system/appliance-config.service
      rw-rr-. 1 root root 984 Dec 29 18:37 /etc/systemd/system/appliance-config.service


      Working systemd units after layering an image on FCOS and rebooting.

      *Steps to reproduce it*

      Use the latest `quay.io/fedora/fedora-coreos:stable` image based off of `37.20221211.3.0`. Add and enable a systemd unit in your Containerfile, layer that on to FCOS and watch the systemd unit be enabled on boot.

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