Resolution: Done
Garbage collection policy for OS releases
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Sprint 246 - OSIntegration
[390966925] Upstream Reporter: Benjamin Gilbert
Upstream issue status: Open
Upstream description:
Each Fedora CoreOS release will produce several artifacts:
- An ostree
- Image artifacts for each platform
- Cloud images, on those platforms where we upload image artifacts ourselves
It will also depend on artifacts produced elsewhere:
- Binary packages
- debuginfo packages (not included in an image, but needed for debugging)
We should have a clear garbage collection policy for each of these.
1. Will koji delete packages included in previous FCOS releases?
1. How long are ostrees retained for old releases?
1. How long are old image artifacts retained?
1. How long are old cloud images retained?The answers may have consequences for release metadata (#98). I'm in favor of retaining everything forever, but there's obviously a storage cost.
- Container Linux
The Container Linux GC policy is slightly inconsistent:
- Binpkgs, image artifacts, and update payloads live forever
- AWS and Azure images live forever
- GCE images are eventually garbage-collected
- links to