Resolution: Done
OCPSTRAT-569 - AWS - Allocate Load Balancers (API & Ingress) to Specific Subnets
Installer Sprint 266, Installer Sprint 267
User Story:
Static validations (no API connection required)
Acceptance Criteria:
Description of criteria:
The subnet IDs must be valid:Start with subnet-Length is exactly 24 characters
- The subnet IDs must not include duplicates
- Maximum of 10 IngressController Subnets Validation
- All or Nothing Subnet Roles Selection
- For a subnet that has defined roles
- Roles must be of supported types (i.e. from a set of defined roles)
- Roles must not be duplicate. This and * check naturally validates that a subnet can only have max 5 roles
- EdgeNode cannot be combined with any other roles
- ClusterNode, IngressControllerLB, ControlPlaneExternalLB (if cluster is external), and ControlPlaneInternalLB must be assigned to at least 1 subnet
- A subnet cannot have both role ControlPlaneExternalLB and ControlPlaneInternalLB *
- If the cluster is internal, ControlPlaneExternalLB must not be assigned to any subnets.
Some validations are extracted from API validation (i.e. the intstaller does not handle CEL at this time) and Xvalidation markers (i.e. defined in the enhancement proposal).
(optional) Out of Scope:
Validations that require access to the AWS API will go in pkg/asset (different card)
Engineering Details:
This requires/does not require a design proposal.
This requires/does not require a feature gate.