Resolution: Unresolved
User Story:
As a (user persona), I want to be able to:
- Correctly Document how to use the new feature.
- Docs should include new install config options
- (Maybe) Include UPI scripts as an example for the new feature.
- (Not Determined) Document if multiple load balancers are requried
- Document how the IPv4 and IPv6 subnets are used
You cannot change the StackType for the cluster network after creation. A single stack cannot become a dual stack and a dual stack cannot become a single stack after creation. - There are different sides online about whether this is true or not (needs further investigation).
so that I can achieve
- Outcome 1
- Outcome 2
- Outcome 3
Acceptance Criteria:
Description of criteria:
- Upstream documentation
- Point 1
- Point 2
- Point 3
(optional) Out of Scope:
Detail about what is specifically not being delivered in the story
Engineering Details:
- (optional) https://github/com/link.to.enhancement/
- (optional) https://issues.redhat.com/link.to.spike
- Engineering detail 1
- Engineering detail 2
This requires/does not require a design proposal.
This requires/does not require a feature gate.