Epic Goal
- The team got together and created these stories based on a questionnaire from the agile team following the mission statement:
- We, the Product Engineering organization, will iteratively deliver value at a sustainable pace. We will develop and maintain a culture of measurable continuous improvement based on evolving best practices for harnessing open source innovation.
Why is this important?
- We have a challenge ahead of us, to accelerate how we can deliver products and services to our customers at a rate that they wish to consume them and at the same high quality upon which the Red Hat reputation has been built. A key part of this effort is to ensure a sustainable pace, one that will not put undue pressure or burdens on our associates
Acceptance Criteria
- The stories in this epic should be addressed to the satisfaction of the whole team
Previous Work (Optional):
- The team got together for retro and answered a survey focussed on agile team. The questions and answers can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1L6qHQlPcHVUz98c_eNlTz9yjcbDt09DpUDQ-2e1pHc0/edit#gid=1902741825
- More information here: https://source.redhat.com/groups/public/agile_transformation_and_continuous_improvement