Resolution: Done
The existing console.page/resource/details extension point results in an entirely blank page where everything comprising the details page has to be duplicated. Rather than needing to duplicate everything, another option would be to add an extension point to the existing DefaultDetailsPage ResourceSummary so that there is no need to recreate the entire details page, but additional ResourceSummary items could be added to the existing default. Other option would be to create a new extension.
- Create a new dynamic plugin extension that provides a singular details item, with following props:
- title
- path (in case of reading the value directly from object | optional)
- component (optional | takes precedence of path)
- column (left || right)
- sortingWeight
- Add and generated ts docs for the new extension
- is related to
CONSOLE-3640 CronTab Plugin: Implement exposed DetailsPage component from console SDK
- Closed
- links to