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  1. OpenShift Console
  2. CONSOLE-3136

Support Conditional Updates - Cluster settings page


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • None
    • Admin Screens
    • 1
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Hide
      When the latest available update is not blocked and is supported but not recommended, the version displayed in the cluster settings page update path visualization will:
      - Provide an info popover interaction as per the design
      - The "Learn more" link in the popover should link to an external "known risks" page, which is provided in the ClusterVersion API. Note that we should use the "external link" style.
      When the latest available update is not blocked and is supported but not recommended, the version displayed in the cluster settings page update path visualization will: - Provide an info popover interaction as per the design - The "Learn more" link in the popover should link to an external "known risks" page, which is provided in the ClusterVersion API. Note that we should use the "external link" style.
    • HAC Infra - Sprint 218

      Update the cluster settings page to inform the user when the latest available update is supported but not recommended. Add an informational popover to the latest version inĀ  update path visualization.

            rhn-engineering-rhamilto Robb Hamilton
            rh-ee-jonjacks Jon Jackson
            YaDan Pei YaDan Pei
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
