Resolution: Obsolete
OCPSTRAT-402 - Unified Console
Create a proof of concept demonstrating the usage of shared components between the OCP UI and the ACM UI in order to ensure displayed components are consistent, teams are able to collaborate effectively, and we can provide a foundation of extensible multi-cluster aware display functionality.
- Mock out one drill down experience
- Identify the shared component boundary (pods views, machineset views, etc)
- Identify how/if the existing plugin system facilitates component sharing
- Identify strategy for multi-cluster aware shared components
This POC is not intended to be the decision point of the adoption of a singular console strategy. That discussion is still underway.
Acceptance Criteria - POC
- User enters a starting point with a view of multiple clusters
- User searches for a resource based on type and labels
- User is presented with results utilizing an extracted, shareable list component
- User selects to view details of a specific resource
- User is presented with the detailed view utilizing an extracted, shareable object detail view
Acceptance Criteria - Architecture/Process
- Component sharing strategy documented including review/approver responsibilities
- Standards for shared component api documented (including multi-cluster awareness)
- Enhancement proposals created as necessary for: how a shared, multi-cluster aware component may be used to enable "layering" of functionality (inside a plugin, outside a plugin), updates to existing plugin infrastructure, any new architectural changes
- Jiras for any enhancements created as necessary
ACM component library: https://github.com/open-cluster-management/ui-components
Dynamic Plugin Framework: https://github.com/openshift/enhancements/pull/441 https://issues.redhat.com/browse/CONSOLE-2368