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  1. OpenShift Console
  2. CONSOLE-2426

Optimize Cypress yarn scripts


    • 3
    • False
    • False
    • Undefined
    • Console - Sprint 192

      Currently, to launch the Cypress test runner GUI, in frontend/package.json we have:

      "test-cypress": "cd packages/integration-tests-cypress && cypress open ...",
       "test-cypress-devconsole": "cd packages/dev-console/integration-tests && cypress open...",
       "test-cypress-olm": "cd packages/operator-lifecycle-manager/integration-tests-cypress && cypress open ..."

      We want one "test-cypress" command which takes a 'pkg' parameter, values of 'olm', 'devconsole', 'console'(default).

      This will cd to correct dir and use any other config settings needed for olm cypress testing:

      yarn run test-cypress olm


      We also have cypress headless yarn scripts:

      "test-cypress-headless": "yarn run test-cypress-console-headless && yarn run test-cypress-devconsole-headless && yarn run test-cypress-olm-headless",
       "test-cypress-console-headless": "cd packages/integration-tests-cypress && cypress run ...",
       "test-cypress-devconsole-headless": "cd packages/dev-console/integration-tests && cypress run --spec \"features/project-creation.feature\"
       "test-cypress-olm-headless": "cd packages/operator-lifecycle-manager/integration-tests-cypress && cypress run --config-file cypress-olm.json"

      We want to extend the aforementioned `test-cypress` command to take a '--headless' parmeter which will run the pkg in --headless mode:

      "yarn run test-cypress olm --headless"

      This would replace the individual "test-cypress-<pkg>-headless" yarn scripts (if possible).


      test-cypress.sh will need to be updated accordingly!

            dtaylor@redhat.com David Taylor
            dtaylor@redhat.com David Taylor
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