Resolution: Unresolved
- Release 1: OCP 4.16, 4.17 v1.2.0
- stable channel, OCP 4.16, 4.17 v1.2.0 which is the same content as v0.16.1 (the head of that channel) and replaces v0.16.1
- Release 2: OCP >=4.14 v1.1.2
- tech-preview-v1 channel OCP >=4.14 v1.1.2 introducing "Auto upgrade Authorino to latest API version" and replaces v1.1.1
- Release 3: OCP 4.14, 4.15, v1.2.1
- stable channel, OCP 4.14, 4.15, v1.2.1 introducing newest Authorino from RHCL, Authconfig v1beta3 and user defined labels for the authorino pods. Replaces v1.1.2
- Release 4: OCP 4.16, 4.17, v1.2.1
- stable channel, OCP 4.16, 4.17, v1.2.1 introducing newest Authorino from RHCL, Authconfig v1beta3 and user defined labels for the authorino pods. Replaces v1.1.2, Skips [v1.2.0, v0.16.1, v0.16.0]
Current Upgrade Graph and targeted upgrade graph diagrams attached