Uploaded image for project: 'Image Builder'
  1. Image Builder
  2. COMPOSER-1853

Split out Image Definitions


    • Split out Image Definitions
    • 100
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Testable
    • To Do
    • RHELBU-2122 - Image Builder's image definitions is created as an independent project
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
    • px-ready


      • Image definitions, and libraries for image building and invoking osbuild are extracted to a separate image-definitions git repository. osbuild-composer consumes this repository as a dependency.
      • The dependency is updated regularly by a bot
      • The new repository is now responsible for functional tests of the images: build, upload and validate.
      • osbuild-composer doesn't run all the functional tests on every PR.
      • The new repository carries the whole history from the osbuild-composer repository.

      Acceptance Criteria:

      • The functional tests of images are no longer performed via the cloud/weldr API.
      • osbuild-composer (jobqueue, APIs, weldr store) is a separate repository from image-definitions (image-defs, upload code, osbuild API client).
      • The new structure is demoed.

      Open questions:

      • Is image-definitions a good name for a repo that contains also the uploading code?
      • What to do with the tests in osbuild-composer? They should focus on the jobqueue and APIs, not on image building and functional tests?
        • What to do with the nightly pipeline?
      • What to do with RPM release notes in osbuild-composer? They will no longer contain any notes about image definitions. Is that an issue?

      Proposed steps:

      1.  ** Untangle the dependencies between go packages that will be extracted (distro, upload, osbuild). We cannot have any dependencies from image-defs to composer. We already know that the blueprint package is an issue.
      2. Build a go wrapper that can build, upload and test an image. Something like osbuild-pipeline or osbuild-playground is probably the goal.
      3. Create a new repository for image-definitions with the extracted packages and the go wrapper that's used as a new way to test these the definitions.

            akoutsou@redhat.com Achilleas Koutsou
            obudai@redhat.com Ondrej Budai
            Achilleas Koutsou
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