The design and layout of the Storage page is getting old. Let's have a go at refreshing it along these ideas:
- Logical grouped hierarchy. Show the relationship between individual and toplevel RAID volumes, LUKS partitions, etc.
- Less expanding. More information than now should be directly visible, and information should be revealed by navigating to a new sub-page with more details about an item.
- No more sidebars.
- Borrow from other complex layouts, like Machines and Podman.
- Results of actions should appear inline in table rows when possible.
Separation of monitoring vs configuring? Plots, jobs, and journal on their own page.(I think this is fine, as long as it's only related to storage. — Garrett)
Github discussion with mockups:
Some work has already been done:
- blocks
COCKPIT-1047 Anaconda Mode for Cockpit Storage
- Closed