Resolution: Unresolved
To Do
RHELBU-2802 - Image mode for RHEL is Generally Available
100% To Do, 0% In Progress, 0% Done
Hi all,
I appreciate your interest in being the early adopters for testing packages on Image Mode. Your early feedback will be invaluable for optimizing Image Mode testing before enabling it for broader adoption across all RHEL SSTs, and the successful GA of Image Mode (Summit 2025).
Testing Timeline & Expectations
The TestingFarm and TMT teams have completed the MVP, enabling Continuous Integration (CI) jobs to be executed on Image Mode. We would like all early adopter teams to complete the testing within 4 weeks, with a target completion date of December 6, 2024.
- Testing Farm (MVP) - How to guide: https://gitlab.com/testing-farm/general/-/blob/main/rfd/rfd5-testing-image-mode.adoc?ref_type=heads
- Recording from Containerization Guild - Testing Farm demo at 1:08 Mins: Containerization Guild Gathering (Q4) – 2024/11/06 06:49 PST – Recording
- Best practices. https://gitlab.com/groups/redhat/rhel/bifrost/tests/-/wikis/Image-Mode-Test-Best-Practice
During this time, please:
- Conduct tests on Image Mode for the packages relevant to your team.
- Provide early feedback on both functionality and ease of use to aid in the refinement of Image Mode testing.
- Document any issues or feedback to improve this early testing phase, the best way to track the issues is by creating a Jira ticket in the BIFROST project and assigning it to Xiaofeng Wang Or by commenting on this ticket and tagging xiaofwan@redhat.com
Acceptance Criteria:
- Automated testing on Image Mode implemented (frequency to be defined by the SSTs)
- Link for automation script and CI provided
Feel free to move this ticket to your respective Jira project, and ensure it's linked to BIFROST-367
Office Hours
To support you through the onboarding and testing process, we will hold regular office hours for the next 4 weeks on Wednesdays, the invites with meeting details are available on the Bifrost shared calendar [1]. Please feel free to attend these sessions to discuss questions, challenges, or any clarifications you need. Also, connect with the Image Mode team on Slack [2]: #project-rhel-bootable-container.
If your team encounters issues that may impact the timeline, please let us know as soon as possible so we can address them promptly.