Resolution: Unresolved
- Review existing test jobs and frequency of their execution
- Identify lanes that can be removed or are good candidates for reduced frequency runs
- E.g. any lanes consistently having lower success rates (30 days) that won't be prioritized to be fixed, can be considered to be temporarily disabled or for less frequent runs by the relevant component teams
- SNO lanes:
- SNO testing should be moved out of Y-stream release checklist
- Should be run on a scheduled jobs - every month (schedule TBD)
- Move all non-critical os/test matrix to scheduled lanes and decide on a frequency
- Post upgrade runs:
- For z-streams we don’t typically find new bugs in post upgrade lanes
- Consider removing post upgrade marker and run full installation and upgrade tests
- clones
CNV-52567 [QE virt node] review existing test jobs for all versions
- New