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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-46603

UI for OVN Kubernetes: Primary user-defined networks


    • ui-ovn-primary-udn
    • 77
    • Hide
      • UserDefinedNetwork (UDN) can be created through the UI
      • ClusterUserDefinedNetwork can be created through the UI
      • (optional) When first entering a project, user is asked whether they want to define a UserDefinedNetwork for it
      • For namespaces with a NAD of `"type": "ovn-k8s-cni-overlay", "primaryNetwork": "true"`:
        • This NAD replaces the Pod network
        • VMs are created with network request of UDN with the appropriate binding instead of pod network with masquerade
        • When editing requested networks on a VM, this new type of network is treated the same way Pod networks were - it can be requested once or not at all, and it cannot be hot-plugged
        • A specific IP address can be requested for the UDN interface of the VM. This address must be from the subnet of UDN. When requested, UI will create IPAMClaim CR and tie it to the VM
      UserDefinedNetwork (UDN) can be created through the UI ClusterUserDefinedNetwork can be created through the UI (optional) When first entering a project, user is asked whether they want to define a UserDefinedNetwork for it For namespaces with a NAD of `"type": "ovn-k8s-cni-overlay", "primaryNetwork": "true"`: This NAD replaces the Pod network VMs are created with network request of UDN with the appropriate binding instead of pod network with masquerade When editing requested networks on a VM, this new type of network is treated the same way Pod networks were - it can be requested once or not at all, and it cannot be hot-plugged A specific IP address can be requested for the UDN interface of the VM. This address must be from the subnet of UDN. When requested, UI will create IPAMClaim CR and tie it to the VM
    • To Do
    • CNV-16692 - OVN Integration
    • CNV-16692OVN Integration


      Primary used-defined networks can be managed from the UI and the user flow is seamless.

      User Stories

      • As a cluster admin,
        I want to use the UI to define a ClusterUserDefinedNetwork, assigned with a namespace selector.
      • As a project admin,
        I want to use the UI to define a UserDefinedNetwork in my namespace.
      • As a project admin,
        I want to be queried to create a UserDefinedNetwork before I create any Pods/VMs in my new project.
      • As a project admin running VMs in a namespace with UDN defined,
        I expect the "pod network" to be called "user-defined primary network",
        and I expect that when using it, the proper network binding is used.
      • As a project admin,
        I want to use the UI to request a specific IP for my VM connected to UDN.


      • <List of things not included in this epic, to alleviate any doubt raised during the grooming process.>


        upstream roadmap issue Sub-task New Normal Unassigned
        upstream design Sub-task New Normal Unassigned
        upstream documentation Sub-task New Normal Unassigned
        upgrade consideration Sub-task New Normal Unassigned
        CEE/PX summary presentation Sub-task New Normal Unassigned
        test plans in polarion Sub-task New Normal Unassigned
        automated tests Sub-task New Normal Unassigned
        downstream documentation merged Sub-task New Normal Unassigned

            tnisan@redhat.com Tal Nisan
            phoracek@redhat.com Petr Horacek
            Ying Cui Ying Cui
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
