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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-44196

Storage: non-failing T1 lanes


    • storage-no-retries
    • Hide
      • for the 4.18 release, the failure rate (the number of times a PR fails Tier 1 tests before it is merged) must be less than 5%
      • This is the number of times a CI run failed divided by the total number of CI executions
      • Only the last code change to a PR should be evaluated. The assumption is that if the code was changed there were bugs that were being addressed.
      • no-ux
      • no-doc
      for the 4.18 release, the failure rate (the number of times a PR fails Tier 1 tests before it is merged) must be less than 5% This is the number of times a CI run failed divided by the total number of CI executions Only the last code change to a PR should be evaluated. The assumption is that if the code was changed there were bugs that were being addressed. no-ux no-doc
    • CNV-38613 - 2024 Code Quality
    • CNV-386132024 Code Quality
    • 60% To Do, 40% In Progress, 0% Done
    • dev-ready, doc-ready, po-ready, qe-ready, ux-ready


      sig-storage should always pass when testing good merged code on kubevirtci

      User Stories

      • As a KubeVirt developer, I want to trust my tests. When they fail, I need to know that I introduced a bug. I must not assume that "this may be a flake".
        • As of 2024-06-19, out of 31 PRs that were merged in the recent week, only 13 merged cleanly. The rest (18) required a /retry to pass. As a KubeVirt developer I would accept a failure rate of 5%, but no more.
      • As an OpenShift Virtualization developer, I would like to see my tests passing in downstream CI without any hiccup.
      • As an OpenShift Virtualization admin, I would like to receive weekly updates of my operator. I would like it to pass continuous integration smoothly and without human intervention - no failure analysis and no manual wavers.


      • List of things not included in this epic, to alleviate any doubt raised during the grooming process.


      • Any additional details or decisions made/needed

            alitke@redhat.com Adam Litke
            alitke@redhat.com Adam Litke
            Natalie Gavrielov Natalie Gavrielov
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
