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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-43641

HCP KubeVirt OCP release gate


    • OCP Release Gate for HCP KubeVirt platform
    • False
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    • False
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      HCP KubeVirt platform release gate  exists that ensures at least very basic functionality related to the HCP KubeVirt platform is working. 

      The job should be green 90-95% of the executions.

      HCP KubeVirt platform release gate  exists that ensures at least very basic functionality related to the HCP KubeVirt platform is working.  The job should be green 90-95% of the executions.
    • None
    • Green
    • To Do
    • 9% To Do, 0% In Progress, 91% Done
    • dev-ready, doc-ready, po-ready, qe-ready, ux-ready
    • Hide

      should be closed before GA....

      2025-02-14: should be closed before GA....
    • ---
    • ---

      The Technical Release Team (TRT) has a concept of a making an OpenShift CI job become a release gating job for the OCP release payload. Release gating jobs are monitored by the TRT team and impact whether or not an OCP release is promoted. 


      Introduce a HCP KubeVirt platform release gate that ensures at least very basic functionality related to the HCP KubeVirt platform is working. This should include


      • The Minimal OCP Conformance test suite
      • All KubeVirt platform specific conformance tests (Live Migration, LB mirroring, etc...)
      • Something that exercises basic kubevirt-csi behavior (this could be the csi conformance tests, or something as simple as creating a PVC and verifying it can attach to a pod)


              ocohen@redhat.com Oren Cohen
              rhn-engineering-dvossel David Vossel
              Natalie Gavrielov Natalie Gavrielov
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
