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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-42401

[Bug] In OCP-Virt console during VM creation, enabling Dynamic SSH key injection after customizing cloud-init can cause cloud-init to fail


    • 0.42
    • False
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    • False
    • CNV v4.17.0.rhel9-764
    • ---
    • ---
    • No

      Description of problem:

      In OCP-Virt console during VM creation, enabling Dynamic SSH key injection after customizing cloud-init can cause clout-init to fail

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      OCP-Virt 4.15.2

      How reproducible:

      Start VM creation in the Console from a template and then customize the cloud-init YAML. Then, switch Dynamic SSH key injection to "on". The customized cloud-init will be modified and will not run correctly.
      Here is an excerpt from the correct cloud-init [1].
      Here is the same excerpt after Dynamic SSH key injection is enabled [2].
      The TL;DR is that this redundant runcmd is added at the end of the cloud-init: \nruncmd:\n- [ setsebool, -P, virt_qemu_ga_manage_ssh, on ]"
      [1]         - cloudInitNoCloud:            userData: "#cloud-config\nuser: fedora\npassword: redhat\nchpasswd:\n  expire: false\n\nwrite_files:\n  - path: /run/scripts/configure-server.sh\n    content: |\n      #!/bin/bash\n\n      dnf install -y mariadb-server \n      mkfs.xfs -L sqldata /dev/`lsblk | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}'`\n      mount LABEL=\"sqldata\" /var/lib/mysql\n      echo \"LABEL=sqldata\t\t/var/lib/mysql\t\txfs     defaults 0 0\" >> /etc/fstab\n      systemctl daemon-reload\n\n      chown mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql/\n      systemctl enable mariadb\n      systemctl start mariadb\n\n      sleep 5\n      mysql -u root -e \"CREATE DATABASE mydb;\"\n    permissions: '0755'\n\nruncmd:\n  - [ sh, \"/run/scripts/configure-server.sh\" ]\n  - [ setsebool, -P, virt_qemu_ga_manage_ssh, on ]"
      [2]        - cloudInitNoCloud:            userData: "#cloud-config\nuser: fedora\npassword: redhat\nchpasswd:\n  expire: false\n\nwrite_files:\n  - path: /run/scripts/configure-server.sh\n    content: |\n      #!/bin/bash\n\n      dnf install -y mariadb-server \n      mkfs.xfs -L sqldata /dev/`lsblk | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}'`\n      mount LABEL=\"sqldata\" /var/lib/mysql\n      echo \"LABEL=sqldata\t\t/var/lib/mysql\t\txfs     defaults 0 0\" >> /etc/fstab\n      systemctl daemon-reload\n\n      chown mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql/\n      systemctl enable mariadb\n      systemctl start mariadb\n\n      sleep 5\n      mysql -u root -e \"CREATE DATABASE mydb;\"\n    permissions: '0755'\n\nruncmd:\n  - [ sh, \"/run/scripts/configure-server.sh\" ]\n  - [ setsebool, -P, virt_qemu_ga_manage_ssh, on ]\nruncmd:\n- [ setsebool, -P, virt_qemu_ga_manage_ssh, on ]"

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Start creating a VM from a template in the Console
      2. Modify the cloud-init and include a command in the "runcmd" portion
      3. Enable Dynamic SSH key injection (or maybe other things)
      4. Notice that a redundant "runcmd" has been added to the cloud-init

      Actual results:

      The cloud-init fails to run with an error (probably because this is the second time cloud-init is trying to call "runcmd"):
      Error: Cloud config schema errors: runcmd.0: ['setsebool', '-P', 'virt_qemu_ga_manage_ssh', True] is not valid under any of the given schemas

      Expected results:

      The runcmd should execute normally.

      Additional info:

      It *seems* that the problem only occurs if the user adds their own "runcmd". It seems that the Console assumes that no "runcmd" exists and adds a redundant section instead of adding to an existing section.
      *WORKAROUND* Enable Dynamic SSH key injection before customizing the cloud-init YAML.

            upalatuc@redhat.com Ugo Palatucci
            rhn-support-msecaur Matthew Secaur
            Guohua Ouyang Guohua Ouyang
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
