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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-40820

fix kubevirt-csi restart due to tenant rbac race condition


    • Storage Core Sprint 252

      In hypershift, the CPO installs the kubevirt-csi controller within the HCP namespace, but the HCCO installs the rbac for the kubevirt-csi cluster controller within the tenant. 

      The result is that the kubevirt-csi cluster controller does not immediately have the necessary rbac until the HCCO is able to reconcile.


      Now that the kubevirt-csi controller attempts to list volume snapshot classes at startup, it crash loops until the rbac is present. 

            rhn-support-awels Alexander Wels
            rhn-engineering-dvossel David Vossel
            Ying Cui Ying Cui
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