Resolution: Done
Based on CNV-31126 -
Created doc https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xYCyn-Y35ZA3ABZNYowt9ZonCIoUtNps0P7GhrLMTFY/edit?usp=sharing that include logs that we need to check and this epic includes the spikes to go over each of the issues found in the logs.
User Stories
As a user I would like to be notified in case there are issues I need to address and not search from the in the logs.
As a user I would like the logs to be as clean as possible and for the logs to be correct.
We see in cnv.engineering the log "Error setting vm volumes metrics".
We need to understand if the log is correct and consider if an alert is required or if we already have one.
To see the logs in cnv.engineering go to the Observe->Logs and run query:
{ log_type="infrastructure", kubernetes_namespace_name="openshift-cnv" } |= `Error setting vm volumes metrics` | json | level=~"error|err|eror"
PR: []
Git Pull Request: https://github.com/kubevirt/ssp-operator/pull/850 closed
[release-v0.19] -> https://github.com/kubevirt/ssp-operator/pull/857
- clones
CNV-35806 Check log "Error setting vm volumes metrics"
- Closed