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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-36916

[PoC] OVN Kubernetes multi-homing in CNV: Self-service overlay


    • us-cnv-ovnk2-self-service
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      • (must-have) Overlay network can be created by a developer with project-admin role
      • (must-have) This overlay network is secure and not beyond developer's privileges - no access to VLANs, host networks, overlays of other namespaces, or shared IP pools
      • (should-have) Component deployed as a part of CNV and deployed by default
      • No QE, no D/S docs, no UXD
      (must-have) Overlay network can be created by a developer with project-admin role (must-have) This overlay network is secure and not beyond developer's privileges - no access to VLANs, host networks, overlays of other namespaces, or shared IP pools (should-have) Component deployed as a part of CNV and deployed by default No QE, no D/S docs, no UXD
    • Green
    • To Do
    • CNV-16692 - Networking OVN and UDN Integration
    • CNV-16692Networking OVN and UDN Integration
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
    • dev-ready, doc-ready, po-ready, qe-ready, ux-ready
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      Just needs a cleanup...

      Just needs a cleanup...


      Play with the concept of self-service overlay networks and come up with a simple teaser for potential users and a PoC for CNV-35223.

      User Stories

      • As a cluster admin,
        I want developers to be able to create additional networks themselves,
        so they don't bother me unnecessarily,
        but only if these networks cannot be abused to gain access to other unavailable networks or exhaust cluster resources they would not be able to exhaust otherwise.
      • As a developer, I want to request and quickly obtain an overlay network for my project by myself.
      • As a developer, I want to delete an overlay network in my project.


      • While CRDs will be the preferred way to support this in production, this PoC does not have to define a new one. Instead it may stick to ConfigMaps.
      • Since the on-demand networks should be safe (see the acceptance criteria), this feature does not have to be feature-gated.
      • This feature should be but does not have to be shipped with downstream CNV. Consider it while phasing the work.
      • We can use the Kind cluster from to get a development environment https://github.com/openshift/ovn-kubernetes


      • ...

          upstream roadmap issue Sub-task Closed Normal Unassigned
          upstream documentation Sub-task Closed Normal Unassigned
          upgrade consideration Sub-task Closed Normal Unassigned
          CEE/PX summary presentation Sub-task Closed Normal Unassigned
          test plans in polarion Sub-task Closed Normal Unassigned
          automated tests Sub-task Closed Normal Unassigned
          downstream documentation merged Sub-task Closed Normal Unassigned

              phoracek@redhat.com Petr Horacek
              phoracek@redhat.com Petr Horacek
              Petr Horacek Petr Horacek
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
