Resolution: Duplicate
Description of problem:
When running DPDK checkup, and using trafficGenPacketsPerSecond which doesn't fit the bandwidth of the node interface, the failure reason that is output doesn't reflect the actual failure reason from the traffic generator (trex).
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
CNV 4.14.0
Traffic generator quay.io/kiagnose/kubevirt-dpdk-checkup-traffic-gen:v0.2.0
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
Apply the attached resources (some parameter might have to be modified to fit your cluster).
The last resource is the job resource, and once it is applied - the DPDK checkup starts executing.
Wait for the job to be finished.
As the `trafficGenPacketsPerSecond` parameter in the ConfigMap is quite high, the job should fail (if it doesn't - try a higher value).
Check the output configmap:
$ oc get -f 6-dpdk-checkup-configmap.yaml -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
status.failureReason: no packets were sent from the traffic generator
status.succeeded: "false"
Actual results:
No indication to the user on why no packets were sent from the traffic generator, which require tedious debugging.
Expected results:
A clear message specifying the failure reason.
Additional info:
trex output does include a verbose output, which we should redirect to the client:
start - Port 0 : *** Expected L1 B/W: '5.376 Gbps' exceeds port line rate: '1 Gbps'
(5.376 corresponds to the 8m value that was set, in this example, for the `trafficGenPacketsPerSecond`.
- is cloned by
CNV-35773 [2250077] [DPDK checkup] Clearer user output when configured PackerPerSecond doesn't fit the NIC bandwidth
- Closed
- external trackers
- links to
RHEA-2023:116760 OpenShift Virtualization 4.15.0 Images