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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-34729

Performance Test - OADP Backup, Restore the namespaces with big VMS


    • performance-test-oadp-backup-restore-with-big-vms
    • To Do
    • 22% To Do, 0% In Progress, 78% Done


      Backup and restore of VMs via Velero/OADP is supported as GA in CNV 4.14.0 CNV-16552.  It is important to run the performance test the backup and restore with the kinds of VMs.

      User Stories

      • Backup and Restore of VMs via Velero/OADP with big VMs.(Multiple Windows, Multiple RHEL)
      • For an informative result, it is critical that the VMs are performing some realistic workload during the backup process.  There should be I/O, CPU, and network activity.
      • We must test that the workload in the VM recovers from the crash-consistent backup.  If using a DB, it should recover and resume running normally (perhaps with a few lost transactions) and (at least one of Postgres or MySQL on Linux, and MSFT SQL Server on Windows.)
      • [Grooming]Multi-disk is still considered an advanced scenario since we do not yet have volume group snapshots.


      • List of things not included in this epic, to alleviate any doubt raised during the grooming process.


      • Multi-disk: the configurations where data is striped across disks (ie. DB on one disk and its journal on another) are not likely to work at all?

            guchen11 Guy Chen
            ycui@redhat.com Ying Cui
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