Resolution: Done
Hypershift/KubeVirt WebHook Validation
To Do
OCPSTRAT-875 - Consolidated Post-GA OpenShift Virt Provider Enhancements
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
The goal of this epic is to introduce a validating webhook for the KubeVirt platform that executes the HostedCluster and NodePool validation at admission time.
One important note here is that the core Hypershift team has a requirement that all validation logic must be within the controller loop. This does not exclude the usage of a validation webhook, it merely means that if we introduce a validating webhook that it cannot replace the controller validation.
That means this task will involve abstracting our validation logic in a way that both the controller and our validating webhook share the same logic.
Design Document
User Stories
- As a user creating HCPs with the KubeVirt platform, i want to discover validation errors at creation time rather than through a condition on the HostedCluster and NodePool objects after creation.
- Any additional details or decisions made/needed
Done Checklist
Who | What | Reference |
DEV | Upstream roadmap issue (or individual upstream PRs) | <link to GitHub Issue> |
DEV | Upstream documentation merged | <link to meaningful PR> |
DEV | gap doc updated | <name sheet and cell> |
DEV | Upgrade consideration | <link to upgrade-related test or design doc> |
DEV | CEE/PX summary presentation | label epic with cee-training and add a <link to your support-facing preso> |
QE | Test plans in Polarion | <link or reference to Polarion> |
QE | Automated tests merged | <link or reference to automated tests> |
DOC | Downstream documentation merged | <link to meaningful PR> |
- relates to
CNV-25677 Post GA: Hypershift Kubevirt Core Enhancements
- Closed