Resolution: Done
Hypershift/KubeVirt Multus Integration
To Do
OCPSTRAT-875 - Consolidated Post-GA OpenShift Virt Provider Enhancements
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
The goal of this epic is to provide a solution for tying HyperShift/KubeVirt vm worker nodes into networks outside of the default pod network.
An example scenario for this Epic is a user who wishes to run their KubeVirt worker node VMs on a network they have configured within their datacenter. The user already has IPAM on their network (likely through DHCP) and wishes the KubeVirt VMs for their HCP to be tied to this externally provisioned network rather than the default pod network provided by OVNKubernetes.
What is required for us in this scenario is to provide a way to configure usage of this user provided network on the NodePool, and ensuring that the capi ecosystem components (capk, cloud-provider-kubevirt) work as expected with this VM configuration
User Stories
- As a user creating and managing KubeVirt platform HCPs, I would like to control what network the KubeVirt VM worker nodes reside on.
- Any additional details or decisions made/needed
Role | Contact |
PM | rh_pelauter@redhat.com |
Documentation Owner | TBD |
Delivery Owner | (See assignee) |
Quality Engineer | (See QE Assignee) |
Done Checklist
Who | What | Reference |
DEV | Upstream code and tests merged | https://github.com/openshift/hypershift/pull/3066 |
DEV | Upstream documentation merged | https://github.com/openshift/hypershift/pull/3464 |
DEV | gap doc updated | N/A |
DEV | Upgrade consideration | None |
DEV | CEE/PX summary presentation | N/A |
QE | Test plans in Polarion | N/A |
QE | Automated tests merged | https://github.com/openshift/hypershift/pull/3449 |
DOC | Downstream documentation merged | https://github.com/openshift/hypershift/pull/3464 |